Terms of Use
Rethink Your Food Inc., is a registered not-for-profit organization headquartered in the USA, working to encourage people to become more informed, contentious eaters and participate positively in our food system.
By accessing the content of rethinkyourfood.org (“RYF Site”) and vegancaribbeankickstart.com (“VCK Site”), and by providing your contact information to us, you acknowledge that the content on RYF Site and VCK Site, as well as all related electronic mail content that you receive, is for informational purposes only and not professional medical and nutritional advice, or a substitute for professional medical and nutritional advice, or a diagnosis and/or treatment for medical and nutritional conditions; and Rethink Your Food, Inc. and its team is not liable for your diet choices. It is your prerogative to decide whether to seek professional medical counseling prior to making any changes to your diet, especially if you are or may be pregnant and/or have health-related medical conditions, diagnosed or un-diagnosed.
Efforts have been made to provide truthful information, and the information provided is general and cannot take into account each individual’s lifestyle, and environmental and economic conditions.
RYF strongly believes in protecting the integrity and privacy of the information we receive. Rethink Your Food Inc does not rent, sell or trade your personal identity with any other entity.